Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration Network in Uganda
Latest Events

Eastern Members elect a new board
A regional meeting for FMNR Network members in the Eastern Region was held on 31st October 2024. Members raised...

FMNR Network to Launch a New Strategic Plan 2024-2028
Following the expiry of the Strategic plan 2016-2020, the FMNR Network embarked on a journey to review and update...

The FMNR Network

To contribute to livelihood improvement and household resilience through FMNR landscape restoration approaches.
The FMNR Network

Improved livelihoods, ecosystem resilience and biodiversity conservation.
The FMNR Network

To establish strong partnerships for scaling up Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration Approaches.
Latest Projects
Eastern Members elect a new board
A regional meeting for FMNR Network members in the Eastern Region was held on 31st October 2024. Members raised...
FMNR Network to Launch a New Strategic Plan 2024-2028
Following the expiry of the Strategic plan 2016-2020, the FMNR Network embarked on a journey to review and update...
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